These were Haydn' giveaway's. I loved them. I didn't want to give candy away because Haydn' couldn't eat it, so we gave away Cakies Hairclips to the girls and Super hero masks to the boys. Of course, bubbles were included for both cause Haydn hearts bubbles =).
It was a cold and rainy Saturday that we picked for Haydn's first birthday... But we got through it. With the flu on attack and everyone getting sick, Haydn's party was a kid's party that turned out to be a pretty fun adult party =).
The color themes matched her invitations which I totally loved!

And who needs a dance floor when you can have a crawling floor!

Thanks to Selle, we had the best balloon girl ever!

Remember this girl?

The whole room...

The most awesome balloon girl! If you want her number, please email me! She was so awesome!

If you also want the contact person for the decor balloons and table linens, email me also.
As you can tell, the theme was I heart Haydn... I think I'm obssesed! i already have the theme for the second one... if we have one.

Cake Cupcake provided by Yummy Cupcakes in Santa Monica. Super yummy and Haydn loved it too!

Missy, the face painter had no kids to paint so she painted the adult faces.. hehe. She was so awesome and so nice to have at the party! Click on the link for her information. Can't wait to see her for Haydn's 2nd birthday.

A little photo booth thanks to the hubby.

But was soon interupted by Haydn's cake time! Yes! Someone has pictures of her blowing the candle... just need to find out who..hehe

Bak to the photo booth!

I have the best co-workers in the world! They are really so much more than that, they are my family! I love them so much and they love Haydn in return... They really are so good to her!
Uncle Nici and Gramma Sheila! Auntie Gordy was working :/

She loved Emmy's daughter Kaitlyn! haha...

Haydn and the bestie... Thanks for all the skirts! I love them.

McNeal and April! It has been a year since we saw them... Don't they look so great together!!! Imagine the kind of playmates they can make for Haydn =)

Cousin Emilee! She is wearing one of the hair clips from the giveaways.

The bestie's family... We heart them! We really do! Celle gives the best advice and provides the best friends.

Auntie M!

Captain America or Captain Asian??!?

MIKE!!!! Scary!

The Ultimate KISS! Haydn hearts KISS.

Kamantigue Fam! Our blood runs strong!

They are officially parents! They gave birth on the 19th to a 6lb 5 oz baby named Olivia Payton Taleon... I love her so much! Haydn hearts her too!

AUSTIN!!! Such a ham for the camera.

Lola and Lolo

Grandma and Grandpa

Auntie Nissy

Manalili Fam!

Auntie Lynette and Uncle Jon.

Auntie Lonnie and Uncle Juice. We heart them

And Sears at it's best... haha! Uncle Loyd and Auntie Hazel

Thank you to everyone for her presents! She loves every single one of them. Thanks Ruby for her shirt! I loved it on her =)

She had so much fun! She had a short 30 minute nap at the party, but she kept going strong... But the next day! haha.
She slept at 8PM and woke up at 10AM! Went back to sleep at 11PM and woke up again at 1PM and kept napping the rest of the day. With a mishap at Roy's... but we'll save that for another post.

Oh, and if she gave you this look... don't worry, she give it to everyone. haha.