Wednesday, May 6, 2009


So she had a fever last night. It went to 102 then went down after some Tylenol. She wouldn't sleep unless someone was holding her. Help! What can we do. I know 102 isn't that bad, but I don't want it to go to 105 or something like that...


Gen said...

O, sabrina had a fever like that two weeks ago and basically we made sure she drank a lot of fluid, got a lot of rest (she wouldn't sleep unless she was holding me) and gave her tylenol here and there when the fever got bad. We also made sure she wasn't too hot in her clothes or blanket. And we prayed a lot. We will pray for your little one.

Rubyellen said...

infant tylenol should do the answer. don't worry fevers are normal. maybe she has roseola. hope she feels better!

The Zaportezas said...

mateo likes it when we put a cold washcloth on his forehead. i know she's still a wee little one but maybe it'll work for her too.

selle said...

u should call your pedi. our pedi likes to have us bring peyton in when they have a fever of 102. better safe than sorry! poor haydn!

katie said...

oh poor little mama! call the doc's office to check with what they suggest BUT yes yes- infant tylenol is FANTASTIC! dr can tell you how much to give!

leenet said...

looks like you got great advice from friends. i'll be praying for her..